
Track & trace

The objective is to be able to track and trace the raw materials used, from production to the end-consumer. At the same time, the tracking and tracing system allows us to also focus on the origin of the raw materials used, the freshness of products, animal welfare, etc.

  • Our operations include the option to use separate processing systems, which is important when dealing with products that contain allergens, etc.
  • We can manufacture guaranteed origin products upon the client’s request, based on:
    • geographical location
    • supplier(s)
    • specific closed chains: from animal feed to consumer
  • We are fully committed to projects that support animal welfare causes upon the client’s initiative.
  • Specific instructions can be drawn up for suppliers.
  • Continuous auditing of suppliers
  • We can purchase both local and European products.


Sustainable entrepreneurship also means looking after the health and safety of consumers. It is not only important that food products taste good, have great flavour and meet quality standards, they must also be healthy and safe for consumption.

  • Actively develop and implement a health programme with regard to salt, fat, allergens, etc.
  • The aspect of food safety and freshness is kept to the highest standard based on HACCP principles and our own BRC and IFS certificates.
  • The quality of our products is guaranteed through a continuous quality control system based on the SPC method.
  • To keep consumers properly informed about the composition of our products, we use a transparent labelling system for ingredients and nutritional value (cf. Commission Regulation (EU) 1169/2011).

Realised with intervention of FIT